I ended up buying Black Ops 2 for the XBOX 360 not too long ago. The zombies mode has consumed a little bit of my time lately. I came to the conclusion that its a large disappointment. The multi-player modes in the Call of Duty games have become so shallow. The best that I have seen were the Spec Ops for Modern Warfare 3. You want more of those great missions? -- "Pay up son! It will be another $20 for 2 more missions". Mmmmm... good old slice of that corporate greed.
I have been playing video games for over 27 years. It is amazing the contrast of the games back then and the games now. Sure, technology gets better and the action is now more intense than ever.
Unfortunately, there is one thing missing in today's games. Substance.
There was a time that playing video games was fun because the game play and story were fun. There was much more coop play as most of the games were split screen and encouraged coop play. Today, great games with coop play are hard to find.
Most of the games are about the flash and look at all this crazy shit blowing up. I have 530 kills and only 25 deaths. Who gives a shit! What happened to working toward a common goal or making the game ultra fun to play with friends? Its that sense of accomplishment that really gives players that extra push to replay the same game.
My maturity in gaming has taken me past the point of being the best shooter. Now it is about using my time wisely while having the most fun I can have playing. Find it ridiculous that these companies charge so much money over a game that can only be played for a few hours.
That is why I am glad games like Minecraft have been created. I am becoming an advocate for the little guys. The companies that are about building games based on user interaction and game play. Rather than all the fluff. An advocate for affordable prices. Paying for what you should get and not getting ripped off. There is something wrong when a company charges $60 for a game that gets played 20 hrs at the most in comparison to someone who charges $20 for a game that gets played for over 6 months. Hmmmm....
I am hoping that these companies will wake up and listen one day. Unfortunately, the only thing that will make them listen is the boycott of their games. When the bottom line gets hurt. You hear me? Talking to you Activision. Wake up!